Let’s get to gaming!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Kevin. You can call me that, or you can call me Neco, which is what I go by online.

I only have a few rules: foster a positive experience for everyone involved, keep criticism civil and in good faith, and have fun!

About Me

Howdy! My name is Kevin Readen, and I work as a Game Designer in the video games industry. Currently, I work on Slimecore, a hero shooter made by Genpop Interactive.. I’m part of a small design team, so I get to wear a lot of hats, focused mainly on Combat/Character Design, System Design, and a bit of Narrative Design.

I graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in 2017, and got a job at in the industry right out of school. From there, I worked as QA on a number of games before moving into a design position on Paladins, a Hero Shooter made by HiRez Ventures, in 2019. I am extremely grateful for the time I spent as QA. I firmly believe that a variety of experiences helps to inform a well-rounded individual, and the skill and experiences I had as QA were invaluable in setting up the success I’ve had thus far.

Outside of work, I enjoy a variety of things, including: learning new things (cliché, I know), exercise (Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Weightlifting, you name it!), reading (fantasy and sci-fi, mostly), and — you guessed it — playing video games! Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me here. I hope some of what I say resonates with you.